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4th Journalism festival in Bratislava
World between the Lines / 9th April - 11th April 2025

Journalism festival in Bratislava

Logo https://svetmedziriadkami.pageflow.io/journalism-festival-in-bratislava

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The 4th edition of the World Between the Lines Festival is financially supported by the European Union and SlovakAid.

The event is organised by the media initiative World Between the Lines in cooperation with university departments and media and non-profit partners.

The university partners are the Department of Journalism of Comenius University, the Department of Media and Communication of ELTE University and the Department of Media Studies and Journalism of Masaryk University. Media and non-profit partners include the Eastern Frontier Initiative and non-profit partners such as People in Peril, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the OSF Journalism Award.

You can follow World Between the Lines on social media here:
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